A practical take on Software Supply Chain Security

Mike Vainio • 1 minutes • 2024-06-19

A practical take on Software Supply Chain Security

A talk at DevOps Finland on the SLSA framework, SBOM (Software Bill of Materials) and the current state of software supply chain security in general.


A practical take on the SLSA framework, SBOM (Software Bill of Materials) and the current state of software supply chain security in general. Instead of a deep dive, this talk focused on why should you care about supply chain security and what concrete steps can be taken to improve your security posture.

What’s covered?#

  • Current state of software supply chain security
  • SBOM (Software Bill of Materials)
  • SLSA framework (Supply-chain Levels for Software Artifacts)
  • Example of Provenance and Signing with GitHub Actions

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DevOps Finland meetup

Software Supply Chain Best Practices by CNCF

9th Annual State of the Software Supply Chain by Sonatype

Supply Chain Threats, SLSA

SLSA Provenance, SLSA

Sigstore - signing, verification and provenance checks

Google Cloud Build Build Provenance


If you need help optimising your software development and continuous delivery processes, don’t hesitate to get in contact with us!



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