The newly formed Helsinki HashiCorp User Group is a quarterly meetup full of interesting talks and insights about all things HashiCorp, plus a chance to connect with fellow professionals and hobbyists alike.
Verifa was pleased to host the very first Helsinki HUG meetup on 23rd June, held online due to current circumstances. Fingers crossed we can meet in real life at the second meetup on 23rd September!
Here's a brief summary of the talks along with links to the presentation decks, and the full meetup recording.
Application identity and authentication with Vault by Antti Myyrä, Upcloud#
After a brief introduction by host, lsuomalainen, Cloud Architect at Verifa, we kicked off with a talk by Antti Myyrä, Systems/Software Architect at Upcloud, on Application identity and authentication with Vault. In his talk Antti covered:
- X.509 public key infrastructure certificates and DIY certificate authority
- Why use Vault - PKI Secrets Engine
- How to use Vault
- Lessons learned from using Vault at Upcloud
- Recommended tooling
Check out Antti's presentation here.
Experiences and lessons learnt developing with HCL (HashiCorp Configuration Language) by Jacob Larfors, Verifa and Valocode.#
Next we heard from Jacob Larfors, CTO at Verifa and CEO at Valocode, about his experiences developing a new product called Bubbly using HCL.
- What is HCL?
- Why we used HCL for Bubbly
- How to use HCL
- Benefits and challenges of using HCL
Check out Jacob's presentation here.
HashiConf Europe 2021: Recap by avijayan, Verifa#
If you missed HashiConf Europe or just need a handy summary, then this is for you. Anoop Vijayan, Cloud Architect at Verifa, gave a presentation on his highlights from this year's HashiConf Europe focussing in new announcements on the following:
- Terraform 1.0
- HashiCorp Cloud Platform (HCP)
- Way Point
- Packer
- Vagrant
Check out Anoop's presentation here.
Helsinki HashiCorp User Group Meetup #2#
We rounded off the meetup with some closing words from Lauri and chitchat with the attendees. A huge thank you to everyone who attended and the speakers for sharing their knowledge and insights. The next Helsinki HashiCorp User Group Meetup is on 23rd September at 1800 (Helsinki time). We're hoping for an actual in real life event! You can sign up for the 2nd meetup here. Look forward to seeing you there!
Helsinki HUG is always on the lookout for speakers, so if you have super cool HashiCorp tools experience that you'd like to share get in touch with the organisers, Lauri or Anoop. Also open for sponsorships - host venue, snacks, swag! Likewise, get in touch!