Helsinki HashiCorp User Group is a quarterly meetup full of interesting talks and insights about all things HashiCorp, plus a chance to connect with fellow professionals and hobbyists alike.
Our friends over at Supermetrics very kindly hosted the fourth Helsinki HUG, held on 22nd March. We gathered at their downtown office to listen to talks from Verifa and Supermetrics, take our fill of snacks and drinks, socialise and sauna! The event was also live streamed for people joining online.
Here’s a brief summary of the talks along with links to the presentation decks, and the full meetup recording.
Managing Multi-Kubernetes Clusters with Terraform and ArgoCD#
After a welcome introduction from Supermetrics CEO, Mikael Thuneberg, we heard from Jacob Lärfors from Verifa. Jacob is CEO at Verifa and a HashiCorp afficiando, with years of experience with cloud technologies and continuous practices. His talk covered:
- Why not just one big Kubernetes cluster?
- Separation
- Complexity
- What is a “ready” K8s cluster?
- Terraform overview
- ArgoCD Applications
- Demo
Check out Jacob’s presentation here.
Dare to manage multi- (provider, cloud, region, env) with Terraform?#
Next up was a talk from Dawit Nida and Duy Nguyen from Supermetrics. Dawit is a Senior DevOps Engineer and one of the first members of Supermetrics’ DevOps team. He’s responsible for managing and monitoring the entirety of Supermetrics’ infrastructure. Duy is an SRE Engineer at Supermetrics hailing originally from software development sphere and has taken part in a wide range of projects big and small on all levels of software development lifecycle. Their talk covered:
- Introduction to Terraform
- Background and their current infrastructure
- Problems they faced
- Solution
- Structure, atomicy & reusability of modules
- Module design & hierarchy
- Continuous Integration (CI)
- Live coding session
Check out their presentation here.
Helsinki HUG Meetup #5 coming in June 2022#
We rounded off the ‘formal’ part of the meetup with some closing words from Anoop. Then it was time for socialising and sauna!
A big thanks to everyone who attended, to the speakers for sharing their knowledge and insights and Supermetrics for hosting. The next Helsinki HashiCorp User Group Meetup will be in June 2022 - date tba. If you haven’t already, join the meetup group here so you don’t miss the next one. Look forward to seeing you there!
Helsinki HUG is always on the lookout for speakers, so if you have super cool HashiCorp tools experience that you’d like to share get in touch with the organisers, Lauri or Anoop. Also open for sponsorships - host venue, snacks, swag! Likewise, get in touch!