Thierry Lacour

Thierry Lacour


Thierry has a decade of software development and consultancy experience under his belt. Off duty, he plays board games and video games, and expresses his creative side through music, painting and game development. Thierry’s also a die-hard fan of the hit classic film Dragonheart, and very knowledgeable about Pokémon!

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Posts by author



4 minutes

Bag of Git tricks

Neat git tricks in bite-sized chunks.



3 minutes

Exploring ORAS: OCI Registries as Storage

This post is a short overview of my adventures and my first impressions of ORAS.



4 minutes

How to automate Artifactory clean up

Hassle-free artifact retention policies through FileSpecs



3 minutes

Keep your pipelines simple, stupid

Build pipelines like GitHub Actions, GitLab CI/CD and ol’ Jenkins have become ubiquitous these last few years. While they are certainly useful, it’s surprisingly easy to burn your fingers on them. Here’s my three rules to keep pipelines more manageable.

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