Anoop Vijayan

Anoop Vijayan


Anoop is a DevOps expert with almost two decades of experience in implementing CI/CD systems and test automation. In his spare time Anoop enjoys writing technical blogs, playing ball games, and spending time with his family.

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Posts by author



1 minutes

Elasticsearch workshop for a Nordic software company

During a one day workshop, Verifa helped a Nordic software development company design a reliable High Available Elasticsearch cluster for improved debugging and regulatory compliance.



8 minutes

How to scale Kubernetes with any metrics using Kubernetes Event-driven Autoscaling (KEDA)

In this blog, we will try to explore how a sample application like Elastic Stack can be scaled based on metrics other than CPU, memory or storage usage.



4 minutes

Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes: How to fix a corrupt index exception

In this article we’re going to see how to fix a corrupt index which was not automatically recovered.



7 minutes

Secrets handling in Kubernetes - A Jenkins story

In this blog we'll explore some ways of getting secrets into Jenkins which we deploy in Kubernetes, without the use of an external secrets manager.



50 minutes

OSS Compliance and Tools with Lars Geyer-Blaumeiser

In this episode of The Verifa Podcast, Andreas chats with Lars Geyer-Blaumeiser, Senior Expert Open Source Program Office at Bosch, who shares his insights on open source compliance and tooling.



8 minutes

GitOps: All you need is Git (and Continuous Deployment)

GitOps is a modern approach to automate deployments using Git as the single source of truth to define the deployment.

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