Lauri Suomalainen

Lauri Suomalainen


Lauri enjoys working with public clouds and automation. He has previously tinkered with OpenStack and AWS but is currently most excited about Google Cloud Platform and Kubernetes. Besides geeky stuff Lauri is an avid climber, plays guitar in a band and is a board game fanatic.

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Posts by author



1 minutes

Service Levels, Error budgets, and why your dev teams should care

A talk at DevOps Finland on what different Service Level concepts mean and how a software development team could use them effectively in the software delivery process.



11 minutes

Demystifying Service Level acronyms and Error Budgets

In this fundamental level blog post I will explain what different Service Level concepts mean and how to use them effectively in the software delivery process.



38 minutes

A sneak peek into UpCloud Kubernetes Service

In this episode of The Continuous & Cloud Podcast, Jacob and Lauri chat with Ville Törhönen, Product Owner at UpCloud, about UpCloud’s upcoming managed Kubernetes Service (UKS).



4 minutes

Verifa adopts an open salary policy

Our Open Salary Policy has taken many months to develop, but is now part of who we are and how we work. Let’s explore some of the changes this brings to us as a team.



5 minutes

One year at Verifa: A retrospective

Our Cloud Architect, Lauri takes a look back at his first year as a consultant at Verifa.



33 minutes

A first look at GKE Autopilot

In Verifa's first podcast we discuss Google's new Autopilot for Kubernetes, and what it means to have a managed Kubernetes service.



6 minutes

How to automatically deploy applications to a private GKE Cluster using CloudBuild

This article describes the problem of automatically deploying code to a private GKE cluster and my workaround solution to it.

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