Mike Vainio

Mike Vainio


Mike has several years of industry experience with a focus on DevOps and Cloud. He’s a big fan of automation which stems from a deep aversion to doing the same thing twice! Besides techie stuff, Mike likes to spend time with his family, has a passion for building cars, and tries to get to the gym.

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Posts by author



1 minutes

A practical take on Software Supply Chain Security

A talk at DevOps Finland on the SLSA framework, SBOM (Software Bill of Materials) and the current state of software supply chain security in general.



1 minutes

Elasticsearch workshop for a Nordic software company

During a one day workshop, Verifa helped a Nordic software development company design a reliable High Available Elasticsearch cluster for improved debugging and regulatory compliance.



13 minutes

How to secure Terraform code with Trivy

Learn how Trivy can be used to secure your Terraform code and integrated into your development workflow.



7 minutes

How to build dashboards of your Kubernetes cluster with Steampipe

In this blog post we will take a look at Steampipe, which is a tool that can be used to query all kinds of APIs using an unified language for the queries; SQL. We’ll be querying a Kubernetes cluster with Steampipe and then building a beautiful dashboard out of our queries without breaking a sweat.



16 minutes

Comparing methods for accessing secrets in HashiCorp Vault from Kubernetes

Keep your workload secrets clean and your value delivery lean, with HashiCorp Vault and Kubernetes.



5 minutes

Secrets handling in Kubernetes using HashiCorp Vault

In this blog we explore several approaches for getting secrets from HashiCorp Vault into Jenkins running in Kubernetes



5 minutes

The power of Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

In this post we’ll give an example of what makes Infrastructure as Code (IaC) so powerful, by using Terraform to provision resources in UpCloud.



3 minutes

Value Stream Mapping with Visma Software Oy

During a two day workshop, Verifa helped create a Value Stream of Visma Software Oy's current delivery process that highlights opportunities for improvement on their Continuous Delivery journey.

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